Have an article to submit for The Garden Plate?

Click here for Submission Form


FAQ for Submissions:

What are the submission dates for 2024/2025?

Spring 2025: March15, 2025
Fall 2025: August 13, 2025

How do I get something specific highlighted in my article?

  • If you would like a sentence or phrase highlighted from your article, please make it known in the submission!

How should I submit my article?

  • Please submit as a PDF or Word Document ONLY

Who do I send my submission to?

I have pictures with my article, how do I submit them?

  • Send Photos Separately from submission (to keep quality) to  & Please add captions for all pictures sent.

My local news station wrote an article about my school, how do I submit the article?

How will viewers know what part of NJ my article is from?

  • Please include the region when identifying people, keeping in mind that this magazine is being sent to people throughout NJ who may not know who people are and what area in the state they come from.